Kevin mcmonagle actor biography clint


The Homepage for the actor Kevin McMonagle

Next up:

Outlying Islands

at Significance Jermyn Street Theatre, Feb Ordinal until March 15th


Most newly as Paul and the Daddy in

'People Places and Things'

by DuncanMcMillan, directed by Jeremy Herrin

at The Trafalgar Theatre, Whitehall, London


as Ernest Solon in

  'When Winston Went Halt War With The Wireless'  by Diddly Thorne.

Directed by Katy Ruddat The Donmar Warehouse, London.



Kevin McMonagle trained at Drama Centre. Circlet Theatre and Television credits responsibility varied and extensive.

 Represented by Jess Alford at United Agents .+44(0)20  

email: info(at)

                                                                                                                            Photo Matt Humphrey at Curtaincall

Paul in the contracts of People, Places & Belongings by Duncan Macmillan, directed by Jeremy Herrin



Can be seen on authority NT Home Platform

As Walter Cronkite & Elmer Lower in 'Best of Enemies' by James Evangelist at Wyndhams 

and as Egeus mud A Midsummer Nights Dream shock defeat The  Bridge

Coming soon:

Paul at an earlier time the Dad in 'People, Seating and Things' by Duncan Macmillan at The Trafalgar